Blue/gold pinewood derby car racer

One of our oldest cars

Can't go wrong with this needle nosed pinewood derby car.

Blue/gold pinewood derby car racer

Shape-n-Race supplies bulk discounted pinewood derby cars for Awana, Boys Scouts, schools and churches nationwide. We love working with schools and churches, so let us know how we can help you with your pinewood derby race. Shape-N-Race has been making some of the best pinewood derby car kits available for over 30 years. By selling mainly in bulk, we are able to offer our cars at discount prices. The quality we offer equals or exceeds cars costing many times more. YES, WE HAVE BLOCK CARS IN STOCK - we may need up to a week to make your wedges/shaped cars.
Please note- our wheels are non-BSA sanctioned. This is not an issue unless you are competing in a BSA-only race. Our wheels are faster and not fair to compete against the slower BSA wheels.
We ship our order through USPS Priority Mail, so you usually receive your order within a week of ordering. If you need it faster, let us know and we will do what we can but 7-10 days is standard. We ship on Mondays for sure and sometimes on additional days as well. We are not Amazon - please give us lead time to get your order ready! Pre-shaped cars usually take an extra 1-2 weeks to make, depending on size of order. FREE SHIPPING with every order!
Great Quality
Best Price
Fast/Free Shipping
Personal Service
Good Reputation
Always in Stock
Pinewood Derby Resources (a few of the very best sites for pinewood derby secrets)
How To Make A Fast Pinewood Derby Car
Speed Secrets of the Pinewood Derby from Boys Life (official BSA magazine)- no longer secret
Speed Tips from Wired.com- simple speed tips from a Geek Dad
Engineers try to build a faster pinewood derby car- Teams of engineers from Batelle, OSU, and the Edison Welding Institute fight to make the fastest pinewood derby car possible. Learn what they found.
Build a fast pinewood derby car- Dad and son share a detailed look at their pursuit of the perfect pinewood derby car
Make your pinewood derby car go faster- great tips from a pinewood derby car master
Design Tips For Pinewood Derby Cars
Painting your car- practical advice and steps on how to make your pinewood derby car look great
Get some ideas- 50 incredible pinewood derby cars of 2012
Go ask a dad- great advice from a boy scout dad who is a veteran of years of pinewood derby car races
Need more ideas?- 100 amazing pinewood derby car design ideas from 2011
Online Interactive Design Workshop- from Dremel and Lowes
The Ultimate Pinewood Derby Car- an absolutely unbelievably beautiful pinewood derby car- and how it was made
Pinewood Derby Car Templates and Design Ideas
Pinterest - the motherlode of pinewood derby car design ideas
Boy Scout Pinewood Derby Car Templates- lots of pinewood derby car templates, some great, some pretty dumb
How to build a Pinewood Derby Car- a metaresource from WikiBooks
Pictures Of Pinewood Derby Cars
Interesting Pinewood Derby Car Pics from FlickRiver- gorgeous pictures of amazing pinewood derby cars
Amazing Pinewood Derby Cars- a group at Flickr that highlights awesome pinewood derby cars
More Pictures of Pinewood Derby Cars than you can shake a Google Stick at- Google images of pinewood derby cars
McGrew's Miscellania- galleries of pinewood derby car pictures arranged by different criteria
Boys and their Cars- BSA of Greater St. Louis shares great shots of scouts with some great pinewood derby cars
The Physics Of Pinewood Derby Car Racing
Stanford University does pinewood derby- A student at Stanford explains the physics involved in pinewood derby car racing
Dot Physics- a great pinewood derby physics article from Wired.com
The Physics of PWD and Gravity Driven Cars- 26 lectures on the physics of PWD, yes 26 lectures.
Michael's Science Fair Project- a great research report on pinewood derby car physics done by a young scout
Cheating to win big at pinewood derby racing- a great video on using CO2 cartridges to make an insanely fast pinewood derby car
History Of Pinewood Derby Cars
The Origins of PWD- from Wikipedia
The PWD Inventor shares his story- Don Murphy writes about how it all started in 1953 in Manhattan Beach, CA
Pinewood Derby Trivia- who knew?
What Does It Mean to Be An Official Pinewood Derby Car?
The Official BSA Kit- you can buy straight from BSA
Official Pinewood Derby Car Rules- good insights on playing by the BSA rules
The Heart of the Matter- read the 3rd paragraph. It clearly states that what makes it official is where you buy the kit. It is a monopoly and them to charge more for inferior cars. If your race is local and won't go on to regional races, buy from any reputable pinewood derby car vendor, like ShapenRace.com. We make great cars for bargain prices.
Who Really Made that Car Anyway- an article on pre-shaped and finished pinewood derby cars and dads that make the cars
Pinewood Derby Rules
Pinewood Derby Car Blogs, Discussion Lists, and even more pinewood derby car resources
Derby Worx- an active board with lots of areas to chat in
Derby Talk- a friendly welcoming board that will help you learn all phases of pinewood derby car racing
"Dear Eldon,
We just received your package. Everything was as described. The quality of the wood was excellent and the packaging was top notch! As a first-time-cubmaster I want to thank you for making this a whole lot easier. C. D. Boc"